Cross-curricular topics

Rainy Day, Spare Time - 50 Primary School Worksheets - For All Students' Interests & Abilities
50 Primary School Worksheets For All Students’ Interests & Abilities.
A range of subjects and topics covering Science, Maths, English, History & Art
More detail about some of the worksheets here:
Line Art: Demonstrate your mastery of geometric elements by creating an illustration using them! Use colored markers to identify them using the coloring key below.
Classroom Rules: Who among the following kids are following the classroom rules? Give them stars for a job well done.
Writing Prompt: Recall the last movie you saw in the past week. Write a review in 3 paragraphs. You have 30 minutes to finish your review.
mixing colors: Use your paint to color the shapes!
Prints and Patterns: Using the different materials you brought, create a unique pattern for each of the unicorns below. Combine geometric and organic shapes to make your patterns.
Who Am I? Use the space below to draw a self-portrait. On the left side, draw how you look on the outside. On the right side, draw your favorite toys, animals, food, or games. Color your creation when you’re done!
What does it mean? Draw a line between the speech bubble to the matching rectangle to connect the word with its meaning.
My Dream Destination: In the box below, recreate any place you want to visit. It can be the moon, an amusement park, or even a place from your imagination! Use any of the materials given to you then answer the questions below.
My opinion piece: Write an opinion piece based on the topic. Follow the structure to organize your thoughts. Use linking words and phrases, such as because, therefore, and since to connect your reasons to your opinion. Good luck!
A Day in the Life: Journal entries are records that can be used to note the highs and lows of your day, to track your progress, or to simply recall how your day went. In no more than 200 words, write a journal entry about your activities and endeavors today.

Colour in Christmas Tags | Gift Tags | XMAS Crafts | Remote Or In School Activity
Colour in Christmas Tags | Gift Tags | Christmas Crafts | Christmas Activity
Printable Christmas Gift Tags for Children to Color: No time to craft your own gift tags this year? That’s ok, we did it for you!

Artist A to Z | V | Victoria Reynolds | Meat Lovers Artwork
Victoria Reynolds’ artworks of raw meat remove the idea of flesh for consumption. The meats stop being pieces of meat and become almost crystal like. Within this resource students will appropriate the work of the artist learning about pattern, texture and subject matter.

Artist A to Z | U | Ugo Rondinone | Bluestone Sculptures | Abstract Sculptures |
Ugo Rondinone uses Bluestone to create large abstract figure sculptures. Inspired by the work of Ugo Rondinone, students will create a rock sculptures by painting, stacking and sticking together rocks from the school, garden, park or house.

LGBT History Month - Informative Booklet
LGBT History Month is an annual month-long observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. It was founded in 1994 by Missouri high-school history teacher Rodney Wilson.
In this booklet students will learn about Marsha P Johnson & Billy Porter, Pansexual Pride, Bisexual Pride, Gay pride, Lesbian Pride, Genderfluid Pride, Trans Pride & Intersex Pride.

The Elements Of Art - Presentation
Just as all matter is made up of different elements, art is a combination of different elements or building blocks.
Artists combine line, shape, form, space, texture, value, and color to produce their work. These elements also help us appreciate, understand, and analyze works of art.
LINE: In art, lines aren’t just straight or otherwise; they can also be abstract or implied, or two or three dimensional. Line is the foundation
of visual art.
SPACE: Space is based on where and how the artist applies all the other elements of art on their work. Space allows artists to set the foreground, middle ground, or background for paintings.
TEXTURE: Texture connects with the sense of touch. For artwork that cannot be touched, the artist uses texture to show how something looks like it would feel.
COLOUR: Color itself has three elements: hue, value, and intensity. Colors can hold emotion. The meaning of an artwork can drastically change just by playing around with these elements.
VALUE: In connection with color, value determines how light or dark color is when used in art. The lightest value of color is white, while the darkest value is black.
SHAPE: Shape is the product of closed lines. They are two dimensional and only convey height and width.
FORM: When a shape acquires depth, it has form. For example, when a circle has form, it transforms into a sphere.